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eBay shopping with ShopUSA.In

ShopUSA - eBay shopping

Shopping at eBay simple and safe!

When you shop at eBay, you buy from many different users in all possible categories. So even if you buy a lot of things at once, everything is not necessarily packed into one package.
If you get the whole shipping to your ShopUSA address, you can pack your items together, in our terminal you can get packed in a small box if possible and collect items from elsewhere, and get all sent at once.
When you need to buy and shipping from the USA to India, the freight price of the package depends on the weight and dimensions which you are sending.

With ShopUSA you can easily calculate the actual price in our Shipping Calculator

ShopUSA Electronics
ShopUSA Toys

No limit on Purchasing @eBay!

Huge offers at eBay on this Black Friday, Halloween and more. If you buy more items at once, we can also package the items for you with free of cost. This means you can buy more things and get it packed in a single box.
Remember, we packed safely together in a box which is chosen by yourself. Therefore, you only opted for Consolidation and not possible to return. All your goods completely secured and that is not damaged during shipping.
Everything different collected products from eBay and packed by us so you save on the freight charges!

How to Shop and Ship Products to India from the USA Online Stores with ShopUSA

It’s easy and simple to ship products from eBay USA.
Here is the Step by Step process with simple instructions:
1. Get your Virtual USA address within the US – Sign Up Free at ShopUSA
2. Send your shopping items to ShopUSA – after we receive your things, you’ll receive a mail and you’ll see an image of your package at your login ShopUSA page
3. Create Ship Request to shipping, regardless of the number of packages, and that we can send them to your personal address in India.

If you have any questions, feel free to look at our Frequently Asked Questions or contact our customer support, we will help you from Monday to Friday 10 AM to 7 PM IST at 7305 605 605 and at mail

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